
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.


According to Rep. Waters, the 2008 financial crisis "exposed weaknesses in our regulatory framework" and "brought to the forefront the widespread disparities that exist in a variety of aspects of life for African American families."

WGN America’s new Underground Railroad drama will screen at the White House on Monday evening, continuing a monthlong celebration of Black History.

On Monday's edition of NewsOne Now, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed Trump's assertion of doing well among African-American voters and the possibility of the GOP's front-runner winning the Republican presidential nomination.

“I thought I would never live to get in the White House,” Virginia McLaurin exclaims during the meeting.


Donald Trump won the Republican presidential primary in South Carolina, while Hillary Clinton won Nevada's Democratic caucuses, paving the way for a general election showdown between the two.

NewsOne Now cameras were on hand at the taping of this year's Stellar Awards in Las Vegas where we caught up with Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton who was visiting the state for the Nevada Democratic Caucuses.

Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman has given Hillary Clinton's latest presidential advertisement a touch of sincerity and cinematic glory.

President Barack Obama has long made it known that he is a great admirer of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. During his first term in office, he added a sculpture of King's to the Oval Office. The bust made history in 2000 when it became the first image of an African American in any public space in the White House. So it is only fitting that during his final Black History Month as President of the United States, Obama welcomed four members of King's family to view the bust in the Oval Office for the first time.

Illinois launches an investigation of Chicago Public School's finances. The governor plans to take control of the financially troubled school district.

President Barack Obama has faith that American voters won't treat the upcoming presidential election like a reality show by voting for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

As the presidential race heats up, a new CNN/ORC Poll shows Republican candidate Donald Trump with a substantial lead among those likely to vote in the party's South Carolina primary on Saturday. Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton bests rival Bernie Sanders by 18 points among likely voters in next week's Democratic primary.

A group of bipartisan senators will introduce legislation to end a law banning student drug offenders from receiving financial aid. The law has disproportionately affected students of color.