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A racist, a con artist and a sexual predator followed by a tap-dancing minstrel show all walk into the White House.

No, that’s not the start of a joke. Well, actually, it is.

Only in this case, the end result is anything but laughter while the bad joke is on anyone who truly thinks just because Donald Trump hosted the likes of Candace Owens (who has had glowing remarks about Hitler), Paris Dennard (a reported sexual predator) and Diamond and Silk (sigh) in the White House for an African American History Month celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that he has Black folks’ best interest at heart.

But that’s precisely what went down at the White House on Thursday when a gaggle of MAGA-embracing Black folks gleefully crammed into the East Room and showed all their teeth smiling in front of a man who has all but declared war on people with similarly Black and brown skin across the world. That was in addition to a different set of Black folks meeting with Trump in the Cabinet Room and got to experience the president demonstrating his social justice prowess — by blasting cable company Comcast as being “racists.”

He even threw in a “you people” for good measure.

“I wanna thank the Black people of America because frankly, you people, what you’ve gone through over the years, and now you’re making a comeback,” Trump told his adoring Black fans who were lavishing him with praise while he spoke.

While he was speaking, Trump indicated that a reporter from NBC had left because the reporter didn’t want to cover any good news coming out of the White House.

“Because it’s owned by comcast,” Trump said of NBC before adding: “Because they’re the racists!”

Loud applause broke out amid verbal affirmations.

(No, he never mentioned Byron Allen‘s multi-billion-dollar discrimination case against the telecom giant that made it all the way to the Supreme Court.)

But never the one to let a good fact get in the way of pomp and circumstance, Trump remarked, “what’s going on in this room is incredible.”

That type of situation seems to be where these unabashed Black Trump devotees thrive the most, as shown by Diamond and Silk’s dramatic play at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday that was complete with their signature neck-rolling, bulging eyes and overall Mammy-isms.


More of the same happened when Diamond and Silk joined Owens, Dennard and more of Trump’s favorite Black people like Pastor Darrell Scott. And for some reason, Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law was there, too, pretending like he cares about Black people who don’t live in the slumlord’s rundown and “rodent-infested” apartments in Baltimore.

Others in attendance included Angela Stanton-King, a BET reality TV star who earlier this month was unexpectedly pardoned by Trump from her 2007 prison sentence over being apart of a ring of stolen vehicles.

The entire episode was arguably one big shameless display of self-hatred as MAGA hats were worn proudly over the kinkiest of hair to show deference to a man whose history of anti-Black racism spans more than four decades of documented instances.

Don’t believe us? Watch video above from the event and then scroll back down below here to see more for yourselves.

1. “Where’s my African American??”

President Trump Speaks At African American History Month Reception Source:Getty

Remember that famous quote Trump had campaigning back in 2016 when he asked the crowd where his African American was, referring to the lone Black guy in the crowd? Let’s just say Trump never had to ask such a question on Thursday as his adoring loyalists exalted their leader.

2. We see you


Someone looks real uncertain.

3. Hail Trump!

President Trump Speaks At African American History Month Reception Source:Getty

Where have we seen that hand sign before?

4. Bruh

President Trump Speaks At African American History Month Reception Source:Getty

Yes, these folks are dead serious.

5. smh


There are no more words for Black folks in MAGA hats.

6. Throwback Thursday

President Trump Meets With African American Leaders In The Cabinet Room Source:Getty

Watching Diamond and Silk fawn over all-things Trump, especially him, provided for a true Throwback Thursday — all the way back to the plantations.

7. More MAGA hats

President Trump Meets With African American Leaders In The Cabinet Room Source:Getty

Conservative commentator and author David Harris Jr. sported his finest MAGA hat to impress his idol, Donald Trump.

8. Jared Kushner looking smug

President Trump Meets With African American Leaders In The Cabinet Room Source:Getty

Why is he there?

9. Praying with the president

President Trump Meets With African American Leaders In The Cabinet Room Source:Getty

What a time.