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The GOP Senate hopeful said he created the "More Black Doctors" hashtag no one knows.


Here's what that may mean for Black folks.


Here is NewsOne's Herschel Walker-Raphael Warnock debate drinking game. Play along as the Georgia Senate candidates debate the issues.


There are multiple live-streaming options to watch the highly anticipated showdown online to see the Democratic and Republican nominees for U.S. Senate in Georgia discuss the issues.

The Black Ballot

Here's everything you need to know about anchors moderating the Herschel Walker-Warnock debate.

Here's a timeline of a match made in MAGA hell.

The Black Ballot

Where you are and who you are significantly affect how long it will take you to vote.


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers fellowship opportunities for graduating seniors and graduate students to study or teach English abroad.

Rick Caruso said he's Italian and "Latin."

The Georgia Senate race is neck-and-neck, according to polls released ahead of their debate.

The now-former L.A. city council president didn't apologize for her anti-Black racism.

The Black Ballot

Throughout U.S. history, citizen voting challenges have been a tool to disenfranchise others and secure partisan advantage for themselves.