In his latest rant, Rush Limbaugh has questioned President Obama’s birthdate which is tomorrow (August 4, 1961).

President Obama signed legislation on Tuesday reducing longstanding federal sentencing disparities between those caught with crack and those arrested with powder cocaine, finalizing a bipartisan consensus addressing a racially polarizing law enforcement debate.

We at Newsone wanted to provide our readers with what we feel are the important government websites you should know about. These are the websites that were launched since the Obama Administration came into office.

From President Obama was asked by Barbara Walters on “The View” why he calls himself black when he is biracial, the product of a white mother and a black father. In answering, Obama may have used a word that may spark some controversy. He called African Americans “sort of a mongrel people” though “true […]

From In his address to the National Urban League’s Centennial Conference in Washington, D.C., this morning, President Barack Obama laid out the future of America’s embroiled educational plan while also chastising some of the policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

From Saying that reforming education is perhaps “the economic issue of our time,” President Obama went before a major civil rights organization on Thursday to defend his main education program against criticisms from some minority and teachers groups.

From During his daily press briefing on July 13, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was peppered with questions about why the president’s popularity numbers are in decline and his policy positions are so difficult to sell.

From Evangelical Christian minister Tim LaHaye says that the policy initiatives put forth by the Obama administration are bringing the country “closer to the apocalypse.”

From While the NAACP is still reeling over the public embarrassment it suffered in the wake of the Shirley Sherrod incident, The National Urban League is hosting its centennial conference in Washington, D.C., somewhat under the radar. That should end once President Barack Obama takes the stage on Thursday night.

From Today, a group of seven education and civil rights groups released a six-point plan for equitable and sustainable national education reform in this country. And, big surprise, the report is basically a 17-page repudiation of the Obama administration’s education reform platform.

With the recent Shirley Sherrod controversy, many people have been calling the Obama administration “too white” with their hands off approach to the subject of racism.

From Shirley Sherrod, who recently lost her job at the USDA after an excerpt of a speech she delivered to the NAACP surfaced showing her saying she didn’t do everything she could to help a white farmer, is now accusing Big Government’s Andrew Breitbart of, you guessed it, racism.