NewsOne Now, Politics

Many who believe in equal access to the ballot box were shaken when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key section of the Voting Rights Act that helped monitor states with a history of discrimination. That decision helped spur Ohio state representative Alicia Reece into action. She plans to introduce a bill amending the Ohio state constitution to […]

Your vote always matters, but in a year without federal elections, such as this one, your vote carries special weight. That’s because voter turnout is likely to be relatively low. According to FairVote, mayors of major cities often are elected with single-digit turnout. So, ensuring that your vote is cast and properly counted on Election […]

In 2007, a three-judge panel of the 7th Circuit in Indiana upheld the nation’s first voter ID law along party lines. At the time, Democrats and the American Civil Liberties Union argued that a voter ID law passed by a Republican-controlled legislature in Indiana would have a disparate impact on the poor and minorities due to […]

If there’s one thing to take away from Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) grand displays of narcissism and ways to waste time in his faux-filibuster efforts to defund Obamacare, it’s that it’s time to finally get the crazy out of Capitol Hill. It’d be nice if the last two years of President Barack Obama’s administration would […]


  The NAACP (pictured above is their student chapter) is launching a campaign in North Carolina, challenging a series of government-sponsored proposals that some say would threaten the health, education, and voting rights of thousands. The campaign is scheduled to begin with an act of civil disobedience from the pages of the 1960’s civil rights […]

This time last year, the Republicans were expected to seize control of the Senate and pose a real threat to President Barack Obama’s re-election efforts even with a band of misfit candidates. Unfortunately for the Grand Old Party, numerous gaffes and one too many kooks on the ballot soiled those plans. The Republican Party doesn’t […]

It’d be too right to get Mitt Romney to admit he ran a bad campaign, which led to his opponent handedly beating him in this year’s presidential election. Instead, Romney reiterated sentiments echoed in his “47 percent commentary” this week in a conference call with campaign donors. The Los Angeles Times reports that Romney attributed President Barack […]

With the presidential election happening in just four days, the battleground state of Ohio is once again a major piece of the election puzzle. Already a hotbed for controversial moves and measures concerning the voting rights of its citizens, the “Buckeye State” finds itself on the map again after Republican Secretary of State, Jon Husted, […]

This past Wednesday (October 31), the remnants of the destructive path of Hurricane Sandy moved beyond the Nation’s Capital after ravaging much of the Northeast in record fashion. With hearts heavy, the election cycle rebooted itself after pausing for a moment with the showdown between President Barack Obama and GOP opponent Mitt Romney taking place […]

Civil Rights organization Advancement Project has been one of the most vocal groups ahead of the upcoming general election in November with regards to voter rights. Combating a variety of issues from voter suppression in key battleground states to putting disruptive practices on notice, Advancement Project aims to provide basic protection of voters and their […]

To vote or not to vote, that has been the question for many Black Americans who have become disenchanted with President Barack Obama. It is not so much that he’s different from any other Democratic candidate; truth be told, on some innate level the issue arises because he looks like us and we’re much quicker […]

While the hotly contested race between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney unfolds ahead of their November showdown, all across the country laws are being implemented to prevent voter fraud – although instances of such deceit have been largely negligent. With some groups claiming that discrimination is at the core of the blockades to basic […]