
Delivering in-depth analysis of U.S. politics from a Black perspective. Catch up on the latest with our comprehensive coverage of American politics and breaking news from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and more.

President-elect Barack Obama‘s proposed tax cuts ran into opposition Thursday from senators in his own party who said they wouldn’t do much to stimulate the economy or create jobs.

CNN has a report on how the Presidency will affect Obama’s appearance. According to Dr. Michael Roizen every year of the Presidency is like two regular years of aging.

Spider-Man has a new sidekick: The president-elect. Barack Obama collected Spider-Man comics as a child, so Marvel Comics wanted to give him a “shout-out back” by featuring him in a bonus story, said Joe Quesada, Marvel’s editor-in-chief.

Even before he takes office, President-elect Barack Obama’s image will become part of the permanent collection at the National Portrait Gallery, the museum announced Wednesday.

<span id="lw_1231418235_0" class="yshortcuts">President-elect Barack Obama</span> said Thursday that the nation's recession could "linger for years" unless Congress acts to pump unprecedented sums from Washington into the U.S. economy.

From Abe Silk at HuffingtonPost.com: Dear Obama People, Even though I've never met any of you, I suppose I like you. I mean, you (or your bosses or minions or whomever) did a damn good job getting the big guy elected.

President-elect Barack Obama hailed a rare Oval Office gathering of all U.S. presidents as extraordinary on Wednesday, while President George W. Bush wished him well and pledged that the office “transcends the individual.”

From Steve Holland at Reuters: U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, breaking his silence about the Gaza war, expressed deep concern on Tuesday about civilian deaths in Gaza and in Israel.

Barack Obama’s website change.gov has opened itself up to online democracy. He has challenged his supporters to give him their Top 10 Ideas for Change in America.

President-elect Barack Obama‘s selection of an old White House hand to head the CIA shows a preference for a strong manager over an intelligence expert.

From Foreign Policy Watch: When President-elect Barack Obama takes office in two weeks, he will immediately be faced with two elusive <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_0" class="blsp-spelling-corrected">foreign</span> policy problems whose resolution has evaded every post-war US president: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_1" class="blsp-spelling-error">Indo</span>-Pakistani rivalry.

Barack and Michelle Obama’s two daughters, Sasha and Malia start school in DC today at Sidwell Friends. It just happens that both of our friends over at Jack and Jill Politics attended the same school. They’ve been writing about their experiences at Sidwell and what it like to be African American at a prestigious private […]