
According to classmates of 14-year-old Paul Sampleton Jr., the out-going teen was a collector and trader of high-end and high priced shoes, especially Jordans, often being the first person to have them. And that’s probably why someone wanted him dead. Sampleton was tied up in his Gwinnett County, Georgia home and shot to death Wednesday […]

Director Spike Lee, who has had a Black woman play a crackhead, a Black man get drunk and kill his wife and a Black teenager have a threesome with White women, says that he won’t be watching the Quentin Tarantino film ‘Django Unchained’ because it’s disrespectful to his ancestors, reports Go figure. “All I’m […]

As you wrap up your Christmas shopping don’t forget that “fit girl” on your list! Not sure what to get her yet? I do! As…