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President Donald Trump Participates In A Reception For National African-American History Month

Source: Win McNamee / Getty

The president held his annual Black History Celebration Thursday night at the White House, bringing what seemed like each and every self-hating Black conservative/Trump loyalist under the same roof that slaves once built. That last fact seemed to be lost on everyone in attendance, who were apparently too busy showing all the whites of their eyes and grinning their widest, most agreeable smiles in hopes of remaining in the good graces of the man who a good portion of the country has unofficially dubbed the racist in chief.

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Trump fell well short of presidential expectations in his address to attendees, understating (to put it mildly) how exactly the shortest month of the year was begrudgingly allowed to become Black History Month.

Some of the more recognizable names in attendance included Lynne Patton of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (you know, the woman who Ben Carson sent to live in the New York City public housing projects to prove their substandard living conditions, something its residents have been complaining about for years now…); Katrina Pierson, a Trump campaign adviser; Candace Owens, who was fresh off of an event where she praised Hitler; Paris Dennard, the one-time cable news talking head who CNN fired after it was revealed he had a history of sexual harassment; and U.S. Surgeon General VADM Jerome M. Adams.

(Apparently, Carson was the smart one, for a change, and skipped Thursday night’s spectacle at the White House in order to attend the National Association of Home Builders Board of Directors meeting in Las Vegas.)

Leo Dunson — the political activist and Iraq War veteran whose website describes himself in part as being “a prominent voice in the new resurgence of the Black Conservative movement” — live streamed his visit to the White House Thursday night for those who were curious to know what goes on behind closed doors when you get a bunch of Black MAGA worshippers together.

But, of course, even without Dunson’s footage of all the deplorable reveling, the world already knows what these types of events culminate in. It was only in October when Owens brought her Young Black Leadership Summit to the White House. Back then, the same, usual suspects happily pranced into the White House and giddily (and ignorantly) chanted for Trump to “build that wall.”

While the evening certainly didn’t produce any resolutions for the plight of Black people in America, it did produce some of the most ridiculous images of those who appear to very securely fixed in their sunken places. Scroll down to see more.

1. Wait, what?

President Donald Trump Participates In A Reception For National African-American History Month Source:Getty

Pastor Darrell Scott (left) was beaming with pride when he saw his savior reluctantly throw up a Black Power fist with the smallest fist of tiny fingers that have been used to type out racist attacks on Twitter. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

2. Pastor Mark Burns

3. Black MAGA hat enthusiast


A Black guy proudly wears the 21st century version of a KKK white hood. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

4. Did we mention he’s proud?


And so is that woman in the background. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

5. CJ Pearson and Candace Owens

6. Trump takes his victory lap


High fives all around to his smiling Black loyalists. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

7. Katrina Pierson

8. Unscripted Trump selfie.


(Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

9. TelePrompter Trump selfie


(Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

10. Rob Smith

11. Awkward Black Power fist


President Small Hands displays an insincere gesture.
(Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

12. Pastor Darrell Scott

13. Trump’s Nazi salute?


Caption this. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

14. Diamond & Silk

15. Sigh

President Donald Trump Participates In A Reception For National African-American History Month Source:Getty

It wouldn’t have been a Black History Month party without Even Melania and Pence, who were both in robot mode. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

16. Awkward…

President Donald Trump Participates In A Reception For National African-American History Month Source:Getty

Catherine Toney, a former inmate released following passage of the prison reform First Step Act, went in for to hug someone who looked disgusted. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

17. TelePrompter Trump reigns [white] supreme

President Donald Trump Participates In A Reception For National African-American History Month Source:Getty

This is America. (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)