Instant Articles

Colin Powell, appearing on CBS' This Morning, criticized the vulgarity and childishness of the Republican presidential candidates. He hopes the national mourning for Nancy Reagan will usher in a period of civility.

After Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to reluctantly disavow the endorsement of former KKK leader David Duke and then made supporters raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him, Saturday Night Live found perfect fodder to spoof an ad for the front-runner's candidacy.

Abdi Mohamed, the teenager shot by Utah police, and his family escaped hardships in Africa to reach the United States. He led a troubled life in Salt Lake City that resulted in several encounters with police before being shot.

A total of seven families affected by the Flint water crisis are taking their grievances to court after their lead-poisoned children reportedly went through developmental changes last year.


The Supreme Court blocked a law on Friday that would have left the state of Louisiana with only one abortion clinic. Abortion rights groups saw the decision as a sign of hope for what’s in store for the future of women’s rights.

A committee at Harvard recommended removing the law school's official shield over its link to slavery. This comes amid protests and heightened racial tension at Harvard and other universities regarding historic symbols of racism.

Over the weekend, presidential hopeful and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump garnered an endorsement from another unlikely source -- the brother of murdered civil rights leader Medgar Evers.

At the top of a heated Democratic presidential primary debate on Sunday in Michigan, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders called on the state's Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to resign amid the Flint water crisis.

The 20-year-old's return to the podium is her first win before the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro this August. Douglas finished strong, earning a score of 60.165 during the competition.


As President Obama's last term comes to an end, we remember the heartwarming family moments that made us fall in love with the first family.


Nancy Reagan, wife of former President Ronald Reagan, died from congestive heart failure Sunday. She was 94-years-old.

Lighting and harsh makeup have been named the culprits in an unusual story of a family not recognizing their own late grandmother in a funeral home.