
Get the latest national news, in-depth investigations, and insightful analysis from NewsOne – the premier source of breaking news for Black America. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage and better understand the issues that matter most.

From Politico’s Jonathan Martin brings us news of how hectic the election season is getting in Florida. Campaign signs are being stolen — by actual candidates! And other candidates are dispatching people to sit by themselves in the woods at night to catch them with infrared cameras.

From A Brooklyn teen who was about to start college spent four days in a coma after he was slammed to the ground by cops in a post-barbecue beatdown, his mother and lawyer say.

From Closing a key chapter in one of the most controversial police shootings in recent memory, New York City agreed on Tuesday to pay more than $7 million to settle a federal lawsuit filed by the family and two friends of Sean Bell, a 23-year-old black man who was fatally shot by the police […]

This Wednesday, our NewsOne correspondent Casey Gane-McCalla will be at the White House with other members of the Black media to find out how “Wall Street reform affects African Americans.”

From While working on his article published yesterday in the New York Times highlighting the right-wing media’s “misleading coverage,” reporter Brian Stelter did some background research into cable news viewership demographics. While he didn’t include the findings in his story, he found them notable enough to publish on Twitter. The Huffington Post summarizes the […]

BAGHDAD — The U.S. Defense Department is unable to properly account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraqi oil money tapped by the U.S. for rebuilding the war ravaged nation, according to an audit released Tuesday. The report by the U.S. Special Investigator for Iraq Reconstruction offers a compelling look at continued laxness […]

WASHINGTON — The leader of the Congressional Black Caucus warned fellow Democrats on Monday against rushing to judgment and pressuring New York Democrat Charles Rangel to admit ethical misdeeds.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s once solid support among Hispanics is showing a few cracks, a troubling sign for Democrats desperate to get this critical constituency excited about helping the party hold onto Congress in November’s election.