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The U. S. Census Bureau recognized community service organizations such as the Gamma Alpha Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the Jackson Madison county NAACP branch, and 100 Black Men of West Tennessee for their efforts in increasing participation in 10 “hard to count” areas in Madison County, according to Harrell Carter, NAACP […]

The internet is abuzz this evening with word that Lyfe Jennings has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for an offense he committed in Smyrna, Georgia. The offense was a DUI that occurred in 2008. While this hasn’t been confirmed by either camps, Lyfe Jennings tweeted this earlier this afternoon: This will be my […]

President Obama, after being warned repeatedly by his advisers about the threat of another terror attack on U.S. soil, said in an interview two months ago that the United States could “absorb” another strike.

According to a recent study, two-thirds of African-Americans dropping out of college cite finances as the primary reason for the decision. Financial stress, coupled with numerous academic and social pressures contribute to many African-American student’s decision to drop out.

On Monday, socialite Paris Hilton pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors after being busted in Las Vegas with cocaine.

The woman who told the president she was “exhausted” of trying to defend him is like a canary in the mine who must be heard, the reverend says. He tells The Daily Beast’s Shushannah Walshe that Obama’s advisers’ “point of view is conditioned by their privileges and their point of view is conditioned by their […]

Denver Broncos wide receiver Kenny McKinley, who was found dead in his home this week, had been depressed and told friends “he should just kill himself,” investigators said.

Television network VH1 recently aired a promotional commercial for “Fantasia For Real”, using footage of the suicide ordeal.

An Italian probe into the Vatican Bank marks the first time Italian authorities have ever blocked an account at the bank, prosecutors told CNN Wednesday.

When baton-wielding police began to whack Askia Sabur in front of a West Philadelphia Chinese carryout earlier this month, Kimla Robinson whipped out her cell phone to record the incident.