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A Canadian man is speaking out after he was accused of using black bears to protect a garden of marijuana.

Morrissey described the people of China as a subspecies because of the way they treat animals, and he is is standing by his remarks.

STEPHANIE ROBINSON SPEAKS stephanierobinsonspeaks.com Missing while Black By now, you likely know the story. A year ago this month, an attractive and smart graduate student and alum of Cal State Fullerton University entered a Malibu, CA restaurant alone for dinner.

A remarkable twist of fate reunited a dying cancer patient with the daughter he hadn’t seen in 41 years at the Bronx hospice where she is a nurse.

A federal judge on Friday approved Eastman Kodak Co.’s $21.4 million offer to settle class-action lawsuits by black employees who maintained white counterparts were favored over them for pay and promotion.

As the nation’s largest peacetime jobs program – the U.S. Census 2010 effort – winds down and its temporary workforce continues to join the ranks of the unemployed, a growth in private sector jobs was not enough to keep the unemployment rate from climbing slightly – one-tenth of a percentage point to 9.6 percent – […]

The prospect of finally fixing America’s public schools looks better now than ever, but there’s still a chance that this golden economic and moral opportunity could slip away.

My least favorite expression in the English language is “if that was me”.

He’s a kid who’s figured out the power of his voice. His name is P-Nut and he’s trying to become a household name.

President Barack Obama will call on Congress to pass new tax breaks that would allow businesses to write off 100 percent of their new capital investments through 2011, the latest in a series of proposals the White House is rolling out in hopes of jump-starting economic growth ahead of the November elections.

It was just after the long Fourth of July weekend when the Ghetto Film School assembled its 2010 fellows at its headquarters in the South Bronx, a few floors above offices of the state parole division. Introductions were made, and then the 21 teenage students eagerly took possession of high-definition video cameras and began learning […]

A fired-up President Obama used a Labor Day address to roll out a new jobs program – and to trash opponents he says have called him “a dog.”